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1. RESPECT others and their property

2. Be in your seat WHEN THE BELL RINGS

3. Bring your MATERIALS to class (pencil, book, binder, paper, and calculator)

4. FOLLOW DIRECTIONS the first time they are given


Consequences for General Misconduct:

1st Offense - Warning

2nd Offense - Detention and/or Parent Contact

3rd Offense - Referral to Mr. Justice or Mr. Dobbelaere


Consequences for Tardies:

As stated above, you are expected to be in class on time (in your seat when the bell rings). If you are not, this will be considered a tardy. The first two times you are tardy, I will record it and you will be warned. On the third time and fourth time you are tardy, you will receive a detention. All tardies after the fourth one will be dealt with by Mr. Justice or Mr. Dobbelaere.

(Note: The policy for being tardy to 1st period is simply that you must report to the office and return with a pass.)


Consequences for Inappropriate Language:

Inappropriate language will not be permitted.  Whether intentional or accidental, whether to me or to another student, whether jokingly or not – whatever the case, the consequence for this action will be Detention.


Consequences for Evidence of a Cell:

If I hear or see any portion of your cell phone (or evidence of your cell phone) I will take the cell phone, turn it into the office, and Mr. Justice or Mr. Dobbelaere will decide your consequence.


Final Comment:

If you ever need anything, math-related or not, please come and see me. I’m looking forward to a great year.            


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